Hello fellow Ninjas! We are Team Traceur, experts in the modern Ninja subcategory of Parkour and Freerunning. For those of you who are unaware of what Parkour and Freerunning is, it is the exploration of what the human body is capable of when trying to move efficiently through our environment. This can be interpreted as getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible, but also incorporates doing so using as little energy as possible and making as little noise as possible. As a Traceur (a practitioner of Parkour) we mainly try to move as quietly as possible to prevent injury, through hard landings, but it is also a hugely desired trait of a true Ninja.

Our role in the Day of Ninja is that we will be posed ready to help you up and coming Ninjas achieve your goals over the next year, if you are interested in improving or taking up Parkour. We will be doing so mainly via Twitter by replying to your queries, with the hash tag ‘#dayofninja. We will also be uploading over the year a series of tutorials ranging from the most basic techniques of Parkour, up to higher levels for you more experienced Traceur Ninjas out there.
Being a Traceur does not only enable you to work on your physical Ninja skills but also requires a great deal of mental training to learn to trust your bodies instincts when attempting more difficult movements. We hope that, if you haven’t already, we can help you through your Parkour journey by teaching you all some of its history and philosophy also. As your experience grows you will learn to view the world around you in a different light.
We have been travelling the world coaching and performing Parkour to all ages for over 5 years, with one of our favourite festival personas being “The Ninjas”.
Not only will we being doing all of the above but a number of our team members will also be joining you fellow Ninjas by setting goals of their own, over the next year. Each will be keeping their blog up to date with posts and videos of their progress and with personal advice for those of you with similar goals.
If you are interested in learning more about us as a team and what we do follow the links below to all our social media sites and to our YouTube channel where you can see us in action (check the white author box below).
Good luck for your year of progress ahead and we look forward to helping you along your journeys.